Ordering food in Italy

Ordering food in Italy

03/07/2014 0 By Gayle Dickson

Have you ever wondered how to order your meals in Italy?

Here’s a very brief list that should go some way to making that pizza arrive sooner…

Al Ristorante At the Restaurant
 Cameriere Buongiorno, vole ordinate? Waiter Good morning, are you ready to order?
 Cliente  Si, grazie  Customer  Yes, please
Cameriere  Cosa desidera mangier?  Waiter  What would you like to eat?
 Cliente  Vorrei …..[insert dish], per favore.  Customer  I’d like ….[insert dish], please.
 Cameriere  Vuole anche qualcosa da bere?  Waiter  Would you like something to drink?
 Cliente  Si, grazie. Prendo …. [insert drink].  Customer  Yes, please. I’ll have ….[insert drink]
 Cameriere  Benissimo, grazie  Waiter Great, thanks.
 Cliente  Grazie a Lei.  Customer  Thank you.

Here are a few dish names to make the menu more understandable:

Cosa da mangiare To eat
Il risotto ai funghi Mushroom risotto
Gnocchi al Gorgonzola Gnocchi with Gorgonzola cheese
Spaghetti alla Carbonara Spaghetti with pancetta, eggs and cheese
L’insalata mista Mixed salad
La Caprese Tomato and mozzarella salad with basil
Il vitello tonnato Cold braised veal with tuna mayonnaise
Il salmone al forno Baked salmon
Bruschetta Bread
i formaggi Italiani Italian cheese
Grissini Breadsticks
Le scaloppine Veal cutlets

And a few drinks to ensure you don’t parch:

Cose da bere To drink
Un nicchiere di vino bianco A glass of white wine
Un bicchiere di vino rosso A glass of red wine
Un bicchiere di Prosecco A glass of Prescco
Una birra A beer
Una bottiglia di aqua naturale A bottle of still water
Una bottiglia di aqua minerale A bottle of sparkling water
Un caffe A coffee


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