Excess Luggage

Excess Luggage

01/03/2013 0 By Chris Parnell

There’s nothing worse after a shop-till-you-drop holiday that getting to the airport and being faced with excess luggage charges.

What’s even worse is that, in many instances, airline luggage allowances vary.

It’s often the case that your main international carrier allows you 20 or 25kg, but an onward domestic carrier, using smaller aircraft, will often have lesser allowances.

A new website tool could help alleviate your frustrations BEFOFE you fly.

Luggage Limits has over 60 airlines currently listed, mainly those in the USA, Canada and the UK, but more and more international carriers are being added all the time.

Not only do they indicate the correct weight allowances, but they go the extra mile in many instances by offering an alternate solution for getting your luggage from A to B if you are overweight.

It’s a free service, requiring no membership or email input, so simply log on to www.luggagelimits.com before your next trip 

You’ll find other useful tips and information on the site, too, including airport-specific information.

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